What’s coming soon?

I am very excited about the Learning Management System called Moodle and how I will use it for my website on teacher techniques. There are many features of Moodle that I have learned from Moodle 2.0 First Look by Mary Cooch that I can integrate into my Personal Learning Environment, such as including a calendar with important dates to remember, embedding videos and pictures, adding a course for viewers to learn from, including a quiz for viewers to test their knowledge of teacher techniques, and offering an area for comments. All of these features will help to enhance my website and create a helpful learning environment for viewers.

As I progress with my website, I would like to include visual enhancements to help readers learn about topics being discussed. I will include a calendar that will highlight important dates to remember on my site, such as upcoming information and quizzes on teaching techniques. A calendar will enhance this site because it will be available on each page of postings for convenience for viewers. In addition, I will discuss a topic on teaching techniques and then embed videos and pictures, which will help to explain the concepts visually to those reading information on my site. Both the calendar and videos and pictures will provide visual learners with a clear picture of new upcoming information and how teaching strategies have been implemented in a classroom.

In addition, I would like to set a course for viewers to participate in. Within that course, I will enable course tracking to allow those logging on to track their progress for each activity I post. Also, I would like to set up a specific task order for viewers. By setting up tasks, it will create viewers to complete certain activities before possibly skipping ahead to another section accidentally. I really like both of these features because it allows viewers to visually see the activities in an order they are to be completed as well as tracking what has already been done.

Another feature I would like to incorporate is to include a quiz for viewers to test their knowledge of information they know about teaching techniques. For example, I can include a pre-test and a post-test to assess a viewer’s knowledge of information prior to reading from my site and after reading specific information. The quiz feature will be a great way for me to assess how much others are learning from my site. Also, I really like all of the possible options I have for questions, such as multiple choice, short essay, true or false, and matching. I can also grade the tests online and provide feedback to those who took the quiz. To learn more about integrating a quiz on Moodle, please visit http://moodle.wisc.edu/?cat=65 . I also included a Jing screenshot at the bottom of this page from my Moodle to show how I plan on uploading a new quiz. A concept that ties into providing feedback is including a comments block. This would also be beneficial in areas of my site because I believe feedback from viewers and collaboration are necessary to improve my learning environment. I will welcome those viewing my site to provide suggestions or ask questions, such as creating a new quiz for a topic posted.

Again, I am very eager to incorporate a calendar, visual images, courses, quizzes, and comments as I update my website on teacher techniques. My hope is to add features that will be beneficial to my viewers. I also believe that feedback from those logging on my website will help me to improve areas within the site and tell me what is working and what may need to be revised. My goal is for my Professional Learning Environment to evolve into a place where I can grow as a professional educator while teaching others about successful teaching techniques.



C., Harry. (2011, Oct., 1). Moodle Screenshot. Retrieved from


Cooch, M. (2010). Moodle 2.0 First Look. Birmingham, UK: Packt Publishing.

UW-Madison Moodle. (2010). Quizzes-How to Guide. Retrieved from http://moodle.wisc.edu/?cat=65



5 Responses to What’s coming soon?

  1. Rebekah says:

    Your excitement about utilizing Moodle to make the most of your site is awesome! I think it is so important to include videos and pictures as part of courses you post to help your readers fully understand what you are trying to get across. Using the quiz feature will help you to see what is being learned. You have some great ideas and I look forward to seeing how you will use Moodle to improve your site as you go along.

  2. Tiffany says:

    I like the title of your post. Having a calendar with important dates to remember is a great feature to have on your site! Having the quiz feature will help you see what people have been learning from your teaching techniques and see where you need to improve or add to your site!

  3. I like your idea of using numerous features in Moodle to get the most out of your site. I think setting up a course in Moodle is a great idea the fact that participants can track their progress and stay on track of the course information is great! I’m sure this will definitely allow your viewers and yourself to grow as educators, which is wonderful!

  4. jlutter says:

    Thanks so much for the link. I quickly looked it up and the information is so helpful. I cant wait to see what else you have in store.

  5. mark says:

    I agree with your concept about expanding moodle to make your LMS a resource for learning. Thank you for adding the link to UW-Madison Moodle….it is very informative.

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